Candidates immigrating to Canada can be categorized as temporary or permanent residents.

If a candidate is working as a foreign worker or studying as an international student in Canada on a temporary basis, he or she is not a permanent resident. The same is applicable for tourists visiting Canada.

On the other hand, candidates living as permanent residents in Canada may have Canadian permanent residency; however, it cannot be concluded if they are Canadian citizens. Most likely, at this stage, candidates are citizens of another country at this stage.

Benefits as a Permanent Resident of Canada

Benefits as a Permanent Resident of Canada

As a Canadian permanent resident, the candidate:

  •       Can live, work, and study in Canada (provided that he or she meets the requirements set by the Canadian province or territory where he or she is living)
  •       Can enjoy social benefits, such as access to Medicare (the healthcare program of the Canadian government)
  •       Can receive protection as a permanent resident (the government of Canada must keep you safe under its law system and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom)
  •       Can apply for Canadian citizenship

 Moreover, there are a few things that permanent residents are not authorized to do, as a permanent resident is not allowed to have a job with a high-level security clearance, vote, or run for political office.

What is a Canadian Permanent Resident Card?

A candidate must carry his or her Permanent Resident card while traveling abroad, as he or she can use it as proof that he or she has permanent resident status in Canada, and it can be used to re-enter Canadian borders.

In case the candidate misplaces or loses his or her permanent resident card, then he or she will require a Permanent Resident Travel document to re-enter Canada. Moreover, this document can be used just one time to enter Canada.

Minimum Time to be Spent in Canada to Hold Permanent Residency

A candidate must spend a minimum of two cumulative years out of a five-year period in Canada to maintain his or her permanent resident status. In cases where candidates spend over three years in a country other than Canada, they can lose permanent residence in Canada.

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Losing Permanent Resident Status in Canada

Below is the list of cases when a candidate can lose his or her permanent residency in Canada:

  •       Applied for Canadian permanent residency, citizenship, or any other application with false documentation.
  •       Provided falsified or misleading information through his or her sponsor.
  •       Provided falsified or misleading information for a refugee claim.
  •       Stayed in another country for a period of over three years out of a five-year duration.
  •       Committed a crime, before or after becoming a permanent resident of Canada (exceptions include receiving pardon for the crime or meet other requirements)
  • Accepted to be a threat to the Canadian government due to:

                 1.  Terrorism

                 2.   Treason

                 3.   Spying

                 4.   Classification as a security task

  •       Belonged to a criminal or terrorist organization.
  •       Committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crimes related to human rights violations.

 Do you need information on different programs for Canadian immigration? Our expert team of RCICs at Make Home Canada will not only guide you through the whole process but will also help you with the required documentation. Sign up now with us, and our expert immigration consultant will reach out to you with all the details. We ensure providing custom-made immigration solutions to optimize your chances of obtaining permanent residence in Canada.

Let us get together on this immigration adventure!