
British Columbia And Manitoba Issued Provincial Nominations


British Columbia And Manitoba Issued Provincial Nominations

British Columbia and Manitoba issued provincial nominations. Applicants were invited via economic streams for their confirmed employment, education, or intention to open a business in their chosen province. 

Moreover, Alberta has provided updates on the current number of applicant profiles in Expression of Interest (EOI) pools for multiple streams of the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP). 

British Columbia 

On January 28, the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program issued a minimum of two invitations through its entrepreneur immigration streams to foreign entrepreneurs looking to start a business in the province. 

The department issued at least one invitation under both its Base and Regional Entrepreneur streams. Applicants needed to have a minimum score of 123 in order to be invited. 

The results are as follows: 

Date  Stream  Minimum Score  Number Of Invitations 
January 28, 2025 Base  123 <5
Regional  123 <5

Invitation rounds under the BC PNP Regional Entrepreneur stream are conducted roughly monthly. They are for qualified entrepreneurs who have been referred to the BC PNP by a participating community. 

Moreover, invitation rounds under the BC PNP Base Entrepreneur stream are conducted less frequently and might be based on: 

  • An applicant’s registration score
  • The specific region in which an applicant proposes to begin the business
  • The population size of the community in which an applicant proposes to begin the business 
  • Whether the proposed business is a start-up or the purchase of an existing business
  • Whether the business proposal is aligned with identity priority business sectors


British Columbia and Manitoba issued provincial nominations. Well, on February 6, the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program held two draws under the International Education Stream and the Skilled Worker Overseas Stream. 

The International Education stream issued over 59 invitations to applicants who met all eligibility requirements of the stream and held a minimum of four years of full-time work experience within the past five years. Applicants also needed to be able to produce supporting documentation for their work experience to be considered in this draw. 

Moreover, the MPNP did not publish the minimum scores needed by applicants to be considered in this draw. 

The Skilled Worker Overseas stream issued 17 invitations to applicants who were invited under a ‘strategic recruitment initiative’ and who had a minimum score of 612. 

In addition, of the 76 total invitations issued between both draws, 18 were issued to applicants who also held a valid Express Entry profile. 


The Alberta Advantage Immigrant Program (AAIP) has published updates on the current state of applicant pools for its immigration streams. 

Moreover, at the time of writing the AAIP has yet to hold its first draw of 2025. 

The following table breaks down the number of applicants in selection pools for each stream of the AAIP. Also, for clarity, pathways of the Alberta Express Entry stream are published in a separate table:

Stream/ Pathway  Number Of EOIs Currently In The Selection Pool
Alberta Opportunity Stream 28,830
Dedicated Healthcare Pathways (Express Entry and Non-Express Entry) 1,026
Rural Renewal Stream 3,029
Tourism and Hospitality Stream  4,244

Alberta Express Entry Stream 

Stream/ Pathway   Number Of EOIs Currently In The Selection Pool
Accelerated Tech Pathway  2,403
Family Connection and Occupation In Demand 2,206
Law Enforcement Pathway  70
Priority Sector Draws and Other Initiatives  2,802

In total there are 44,610 applicant profiles among the different EOI pools of the AAIP. 

MakeHomeCanada, a Canadian immigration leader, promises excellence and tailored pathways for your Canadian journey. Get in touch with us at [email protected].