
Surveys have found how Canadians are supportive of immigration

Surveys have found how Canadians are supportive of immigration

Surveys have found how Canadians are supportive of immigration

The majority of Canadians have continued to cling to the positive side of immigration, even though the pandemic hit them. And left them feeling vulnerable about the fact of immigration ever taking place. 

Everything changed last year the views, the feelings. From Septembers7 to 23 2,000 Canadians were on a telephonic interview to know their views on the immigration and refugees’ changes that have been made in the past few years.  

In the findings of the Fall 2021 focus Canada, the view stated by Canadians was “mostly stable” in the 12 months that passed.  

 The survey quoted “a clear majority of supporters care in support of the current levels of immigration. The viewers viewed the immigrants as an asset for the Canadian economy.” 

The report came at a time when Canada was still moving past the terrors of Covid 19. The issues of immigration had been sidelined at the time, but now they are beginning to resurface.  The purpose of the survey was to understand the challenges and stress that came over the last few years, and how they have affected “Canadian’s capacity for openness to others.  

The disagreement  

About 65% of Canadians have refused the idea that immigration levels of Canada are seemingly high. The figures haven’t changed virtually ever since the previous Focus Canada survey.  

Atlantic Canadians, Saskatchewanians, and Manitobans have got a sentiment that has been weakened by 7 to 8 percentage points in the past 12 months. In Quebec, the attitude was different and hasn’t changed.  

The first-generation Canadians born in another country, have extensively changed since 2020 with a 9% increase in the people in the group who meet with the terms in the group. The proportion stands at 36% and 27% for the people born in Canada.   

Attitude towards the immigration levels among the supporters of Canada’s various federal political parties.  

75% of liberal party supporters have agreed with the current immigration levels. Amidst the New Democratic party supporters, the sum is 81%.  

54% of the conservative party supporters thought immigration may be somewhat sufficient.  

The Bloc Quebecois supporters are likely to soak in the current immigration levels, at 70%.   

The goal of Canada under the immigration levels plans 2021-2023 has welcomed around 401,000 new immigrants annually starting from this year.  

Agreement of Canadians  

57% of the population that took the survey agreed that Canada needs more immigrants to increase the population, while 37% disagree and 6% aren’t quite sure.  

The results are the same compared to 2020, but the poll says otherwise, there is a change in the way it’s perceived from 1980 to 1990 when half of the Canadians didn’t meet the terms. 

 Good for economy  

A larger population of 80% have agreed that the economic impact of immigration is positive. Though, the number seems low by 4 points since the last 12 months and has marked a reversal from an upward trend that started back in 2018, as quoted by the survey.  

In addition to this, 76% have agreed that the government has to encourage more entrepreneurs to come to the country and start a new life and business, while 39% are supporting the position.  

The report has clearly stated “Support for government efforts to attract more immigrant entrepreneurs is evident across the country, with an agreement with the statement most prevalent in” 

  • Atlantic Canada 79% and 
  •  Ontario 81%  

as well as among first-generation Canadians (82 percent) and Liberal Party supporters (85 percent), and in each case close to half say they strongly agree with the statement,” 

In simpler words, the trend of openness towards migrants and refugees among Canadians doesn’t seem to stop. Even while facing a pandemic that has put a stop to the world and broken the economy to the core and has ignited the patriarchy in many.  

Canadians have still managed to continue to link the unique attributes that the country has to offer to its immigrants such as multiculturism, sense of belongingness, and a warm welcome towards the migrants. These values stand high over democracy, freedom, or land. No Canadian has seen immigration as a taboo in the country.