
Biggest PNP draw held by Canada

Biggest PNP draw held by Canada

Biggest PNP draw held by Canada

A total of 932 qualifying Express Entry candidates have been invited by the Canadian Government for Permanent Residency on the 8th of June. The IRCC had only targeted the PNP candidates in the recent draw. Thus, the minimum score requirement for PNP candidates was set to 796 points. This score has been set targeted relatively high because of the fact that applicants are rewarded with an addition of 600 points to their total score.

The country had invited a large number of immigration applicants by inviting 1,047 on the 2nd of March whereas it had previously invited a total of 589 Express Entry candidates through the PNP draw and the minimum score requirement was set at 741 points.

Express entry

The virtual management setup of the government of Canada is known as the Express Entry. It basically manages all the operational activities of three programs- CEC, FSWP, and FSTP.

The system operates through a comprehensive ranking system, under which all the applicants are marked after considering several factors like their age, educational background, past work experience, etc. After this, all the candidates are positioned according to their final scores, and the ones with the maximum scores are rewarded with an ITA which is utilized for applying for Canadian permanent residency.

 The application undergoes evaluation and only the sanctioned applications by the IRCC are sent further for granting COPR. such applicants have the authority to proceed with the landing process in Canada.


Below is an imaginary example of an applicant who will receive an ITA for Canadian permanent residency.

John is 38 years old and has pursued his bachelor’s in architecture and has been working as a construction manager for the last 8 years. He possesses an advanced level of proficiency in the English language but has never worked or visited Canada. He initiated to enter the Express Entry pool and scores a total score of 357 points and further gets a provincial nomination from the province of British Columbia. His score rises to 957 which can be labeled as enough score for receiving an ITA for Canadian permanent residency.

Below is the list of 16 new jobs that have been introduced in the eligible list of Express Entry NOC 2021 and will come into enforcement from the 16th of November

  • Administrators for payroll
  • Assistants for dentists and labs
  • Paramedic staff and associates for patients
  • Technical staff for pharmacy
  • Teachers for primary classes
  • Bailiff and Sheriff
  • Service officials
  • Regulatory officials
  • Esthetician
  • Technicians for setting and distorting residences
  • Technicians for pest control
  • Technicians for repair work
  • Technicians who can do pest control
  • Drivers
  • Technicians dealing in operating high instruments

Whereas certain occupations have been excluded from the list of eligible jobs and will be considered as ineligible job profiles from the 16th of November. Although the following jobs will still be eligible for other Canadian immigration programs  

  • Sports and fitness coaches
  • Tailors, dress designers
  • Milliners

Occupations that belong to the category of NOC skills 0, A, and B will be only eligible for the Express Entry. The updated system of Express Entry will operate on a TEER system, which will be switched from the previous method of the Skill level system.

The concept of recategorization has led to the shift from ineligible occupations to eligible occupations. Below are the details of the shift from skill levels to the NOC six category system of NOC 2021. 

  • Skills Type 0 will now be considered as TEER 0 
  • Skills Level A will be considered as TEER 1  
  • skills Level B will be considered as TEER 2  
  • skills level B will be considered as TEER 3 
  • Skills Level C will be considered as TEER 4  
  • Skills Level D will be considered as TEER 5 

Statistics Canada claims that the shift from skill type to the TEER system comprises mainly of 2 reasons. 

The primary reason for preferring the TEER system is to identify and clarify the educational qualification and work experience required for specific occupations. 

And the other reason for switching from the skill type model was that it was formulating artificial categories between jobs, thus implementation of the TEER system can replace this issue and will offer a clear version of skills and education required for occupations.