
Canada's Francophone immigration target achieved in 2022

Canada's Francophone immigration target

Canada’s Francophone immigration target achieved in 2022

Canada’s Francophone immigration target was recently accomplished by IRCC. An increasing number of Canadians claim that the French language is their official language. However, the percentage of French speakers declined from 22.2 percent in 2016 to 21.4 percent in 2022. In 2019, IRCC declared that they had to meet the target of 4.4 percent of French-speaking immigrants outside Quebec. The department had to meet its objective of the Francophone immigration strategy by 2023.

Sean Fraser, Marie-France Lalonde, and Marc G. Serre also recently declared in Sturgeon Falls, Canada, that they achieved the 4.4 percent target in 2022.

In fact, it is in 2022 that Canada accomplished the target of receiving the maximum number of Francophone immigrants since 2006. Additionally, Francophone residents outside Quebec account for more than 2,800, equivalent to 1.38 percent of immigrants in 2006. However, around 16,300 newcomers settled in Francophone communities in Canada in the past year. Moreover, this is a drastic increase of 3.02 percent since 2006.

Since Canadian immigration data came into existence, the above figure is the highest regarding Francophone immigrants outside Quebec.

Canada’s Francophone immigration target- its details

In the last five years, the population of Francophone immigrants has risen by 42,470 permanent residents‘ immigration target levels increasing annually. Fortunately, Canada has accomplished its Francophone immigration target but also managed to welcome thrice the number of immigrants received in 2018.

Moreover, this target achievement has only proven Canada’s support for developing Francophone immigrants outside Quebec. Furthermore, it has also realized the significance attached to the arrival of Francophone newcomers.

Newcomers specifically contribute a great deal to Canadian cultural diversity in terms of the linguistic aspect. Besides this, they also contribute to economic growth by combating the existing labor shortages across Canada.

Overall, the Canadian government is taking initiatives consistently to promote Francophone immigration outside Quebec. Its objective is to raise awareness about the significance of population growth and economic development. Apart from this, the government allocated at least $40.7 million for the measures under Francophone immigration. Hence, it introduced the Action Plan for Official Languages from 2018 to 2023.

Next, the Minister of Official languages also stated their upcoming initiative of introducing a new policy for Francophone immigration. This possible initiative was a part of Bill C-13 and will comprise aims and targets to make sure that the French language further flourishes in the country.