
Global international student population boosts Canadian programs

Global international student population boosts Canadian programs

Global international student population boosts Canadian programs

According to recent reports, the global international student population boosts Canadian programs at universities. Canadian universities have witnessed an enhanced landscape due to the emerging diversity among international students. Between January and June 2023, Nigerians contributed to Canada’s most rapid population growth. Their arrival indicates 44 percent of increased study permits issued during these months throughout 2022.

Global international student population boosts Canadian programs

In the initial six-month period in 2023, around 18,000 study permits in Canada were sent to Nigerian students. Typically, Indian students possess the maximum number of Canadian study permits. However, this number is said to be deteriorating.

In addition, the Canadian government approved nearly 146,000 new study permits for Indian students between July and October 2022. However, during July and October of 2023, the government processed less than 87,000 study permit applications for Indian students. This number reflects a downward trend of 43 percent last year.

Business programs comprise a substantial share of the student visas offered

Postgraduate business degrees have become increasingly prevalent among Indian and non-Indian students alike. Through September 2023, 50% of all study licenses granted to postgraduate Indian students fell into this category, representing a 23 percentage point increase from 2019.

Business programs attracted a more comprehensive range of international students in Canadian universities in 2023. Also, business and management programs constituted a significant section of study permits issued compared to the number of study permits issued throughout 2022.

Business and management programs contributed significantly to 48 percent of study permits sent to Indian students in September last year. This accounts for an increase of 25 percent in 2016.

Business and management emerged as the field with the most rapid growth at the post-graduation level, 180 percent. It contributed 38 percent of the study permits issued, indicating a 15 percent rise.

Increasing diversity in health and general science programs

Health and General Sciences underwent an expansion of 51 percent in September 2023 in contrast to 2019 at the undergraduate level.

Nigeria has turned out to be the only country contributing to the maximum level of diversity in the above programs. In September last year, over 13,000 Nigerian students received a study permit for this field, which accounts for a growth of 430 percent throughout 2019.

Likewise, Ghana also reflects a growing international student population in Canada. In September 2023, the number of international students coming from Ghana almost doubled for the Health and General Science programs. The percentage is 660 percent above what it was in 2019 at the undergraduate level for the same programs.

Furthermore, health and general science programs expanded by 25 percent at the postgraduate level throughout September 2023, in contrast to 2019.

Indian students increased by 20 percent, while Iranian students increased by 41 percent. However, the maximum growth came from the Nigerian student population, which increased by 230 percent for the above field throughout 2019.

Computing and IT programs witnessed a massive level of growth

Beyond all other fields of study, the number of overseas students enrolled in undergraduate computing and IT programs increased by 110% between September 2023 and the full year 2019.

Thirty-five percent of student visas awarded go to Indian students, who make up the vast majority of students studying computer and IT fields. However, the nations fueling the rising popularity of these programs include Nigeria, Algeria, Guinea, and Nepal. In comparison to 2019, the percentage of undergraduate student visas granted to citizens of Nigeria, Algeria, Guinea, and Nepal increased by three percentage points in 2023.

Computing and IT at the post-graduate level increased by 70% between September 2019 and September 2023. Chinese students have primarily driven this rise. The number of study licenses granted to Chinese students for these programs through September 2023 was up 170% from 2019 and 74% from 2022.

The global international student population boosted Canadian Engineering Programs

Undergraduate enrollment in engineering increased by 32% between September 2023 and the entire year 2019.

Thanks to students from African nations, undergraduate engineering programs are growing in number and diversity. As of September 2023, African populations comprised five out of the top ten and twelve out of the top 20 undergraduate engineering student rankings. Furthermore, every nation outside of Africa saw growth higher than 10% from the start of 2022 until the end of the year.

ApplyBoard speculates that Algeria may become a significant and expanding source of engineering students for colleges and universities in Canada. Until September 2023, 22% of study licenses granted to Algerian undergraduate students were for courses in engineering.

Through September 2023, postgraduate engineering enrollment increased 41% over 2019. Ghana, Algeria, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nigeria have facilitated the change in student diversity. During this time, the numbers of these emerging student populations surpassed twofold.

What are the chief conclusions concerning all this data?

The Apply Board’s report illustrates why Canada is still a popular study-abroad option for students from around the world. An increasing variety of programs and disciplines of study are also attracting the interest of a wider range of student populations, highlighting Canada’s capacity to offer a wide and welcoming educational environment that meets the changing requirements and interests of a global student community.

Greater diversity in Canadian higher education benefits the universities and students. A more varied student body exposes them to a wider range of ideas and perspectives, improving the quality of their educational experience.

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