
The immigration backlog of Canadian applicants increased

backlog of Canadian applicants increased

The immigration backlog of Canadian applicants increased

Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel created a backlog in temporary residence applications 

The current Canadian Immigration inventory has increased to more than twenty lakh accounting for all applications.

The pending applications for permanent and temporary residence have increased.

Whereas backlog for the citizenship category has decreased to four lakh applications in the previous month, which was more than four lakhs fifty thousand in the month of March 

The following is data on how the IRCC was processing backlog applications

  • April 11 and 12 – There were 20,31,589 pending applications
  • March 15 and 17 – 18,44,424 applications were pending
  • There were 18,15,628 pending applications on the first day of February
  • There were 18,13,144 pending applications on December 15, 2021
  • There was a total of 17,92,404 pending applications as of 27 October 2021
  • There were 14,47,474 pending applications as of July 6, 2021

The increase in the number of pending applications for both permanent and temporary resident categories is because of Canada Ukraine Authorization Emergency Travel. There is more than 10 lakh pending applications for various categories like study and work permits.

The IRCC claims CUAET as the reason for an increase in the inventory of work and study permits, and temporary visas.

According to this program, more people from Ukraine can enter Canada as temporary residents. By the end of the previous month, the IRCC had received more than one lakh eighty thousand applications from the category of Canada Ukraine Authorization Emergency Travel.

The pending applications for the category of Canadian Permanent Residency are increasing whereas applications for the Express Entry category are decreasing at a slow pace.

Pending Applications for Canadian permanent residency were 5,30,000 as of April 11 which were 5,19,000 in the month of March.

The inventory of Canadian permanent residents has slightly increased in the past few weeks.

While there can be seen a slight decrease in the inventory of Express Entry.

The number of backlog applications of Express Entry was 52,000 in the month of March which decreased to 45,000 applications in the month of April.

A decrease in the number of pending Express Entry applications became one of the reasons for resuming all program draws from the month of July. The immigration minister has also claimed to process the applications according to its ideal time of 6 months.

Since last year, the Applications for the category of FSWP and CEC have been stopped from being released.


The IRCC still has a major problem of backlog of applications which was an effect of the pandemic. The IRCC has been provided funds amounting to $85 M to improve the processing time of applications. The funds are already allocated to reduce delays in processing applications.

The IRCC will utilize the allocated funds to hire more employees who can help in fastening the processing of applications, shifting the process to online mode, etc.

Nevertheless, all the above measures still cannot lead to the ideal processing time. The IRCC had announced at the very beginning of this year to bring the processing time to its ideal time by this year’s end.