
The province of British Columbia, PEI, and Manitoba have released the results

British Columbia, PEI, and Manitoba released the results

The province of British Columbia, PEI, and Manitoba have released the results

All the above 3 provinces held their PNP draw in the previous week. 

Eligible candidates who wish to settle in a specific province have to choose the stream of provincial nominations to immigrate. Almost all the Canadian provinces except the province of Nunavut and Quebec conduct their separate provincial nominee program.

The stream of provincial nominations is not exactly Canadian permanent resident but it considerably increases the probability of receiving a Canadian permanent resident.

For example- Any PNP applicant with a legit Express Entry profile is grateful to get rewarded with additional 600 CRS points.

Provincial Nominee Program was introduced in 1998 and only 400 immigrants were invited that year. The program became so successful that now it regularly invites over eighty thousand immigrants every year.

The prominent reason for the great success of this program was that the federal and provincial governments of Canada specifically supported this program. As they believed that this program was assisting in the development of the country’s economy.

The Express Entry has been focusing on PNP since last year as IRCC helps in the economic development of the Canadian provinces. The Express Entry draws are regularly conducted once every 14 days. The last Express Entry draw was conducted on April 13 and the next Express Entry draw will be conducted on April 27.

The IRCC proclaimed that the applications of CEC, FSTP, and FSWP will be open from the start of July, this year.

Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba, and PEI released the invitations for immigration candidates.

Following the details of the new draw

British Columbia

The province of British Columbia held its PNP draw on April 19. A total of 174 immigration applicants obtained the invitations for a provincial nomination from the province of British Columbia.

The general draw was the medium of invitation for all the selected candidates who were from the categories of Foreign skilled labor and international scholars. The eligibility criteria demand for candidates has a score ranging from 77 to 125.

The province of British Columbia conducted a specific draw for targeted professionals.

A total of 24 primary teachers qualifying for the eligibility of International Graduate and Skilled workers have been invited by the province.

The candidates need to attain the least score of 70 points to pass the eligibility criteria.

Additionally, fewer than 5 spots have been reserved for doctors specializing in animal health, and technicians specializing in animal health. These applicants are asked to apply under the category of Skilled workers under the sub-category of International Students. The candidates need to possess at least a score of 70 points to receive the provincial nomination.

The province of Manitoba

A total of 303 immigrants are invited to apply for MPNP on April 21.  

The proportion of the invitations is mentioned below  

  • Skilled Workers Overseas- a total of 61 applicants will be invited through this program having at least a score of 708 points 
  • Skilled Workers in Manitoba- 201 applicants will be invited through this program with at least a score of 707 points  
  • International Education Stream- there have been 41 spots reserved for this category and no such minimum score requirement is required. 

Out of all the candidates, 46 of them had an Express Entry profile.

To obtain a nomination from the province of Manitoba, the candidate needs registration of Expression of Interest in the MPNP.

After this step, the candidate is obliged to obtain an LAA either through the Skilled Workers Overseas stream or Skilled Workers in Manitoba.

The province of Manitoba then provides the ranks of the applicants. The scores are calculated by accounting for various factors like human capital, and previous connection with the province.

After this, the province releases invitations to the selected candidates, and then they can further send their applications for provincial nominations.


This province invited a total of 141 immigration applicants on April 24 through its PEI PNP.

130 invitations were sent to candidates lying in the category of Labour Impact and Express Entry.  

And the remaining 11 invitations were sent to the candidates lying in the category of Business Impact possessing at least a score of 62 points.

This province conducts a single draw every month. The yearly schedule of draws is declared in advance.