
PNP results of Manitoba, Ontario, and BC released

PNP results of Manitoba, Ontario, and BC released

PNP results of Manitoba, Ontario, and BC released

The province of Manitoba and British Columbia released their PNP results whereas the province of Ontario released the details of its draw held in the month of May. Apart from the province of Nunavut and Quebec, all the Canadian provinces have the authority to conduct their PNP draws.

With the help of the PNP draw, all the Canadian provinces search for eligible and interested candidates to grant provincial nominations. The provincial nomination cannot be considered a Canadian permanent residency but helps in increasing the probability of getting the same.

This could be explained by the following example

Express Entry candidates who have applied for a PNP draw will receive an additional CRS 600 points if qualified for provincial nominations. This gives them eligibility to apply for PNP specific Express Entry round.

The latest results of Express Entry were released on 27th May, under which a total of 589 qualifying candidates whose score ranges above CRS 741 points were invited.

Below are the details of PNP invitations that were conducted in the following 3 Canadian provinces

The province of British Columbia

The province regularly holds a draw every 7 days and calls it British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program. The latest round of PNP draw was held on the last day of May, under which a total of 167 qualifying applicants have been granted the invitation for submitting their applications for provincial nominations.

Out of the total invited candidates, 147 of them had applied via a general draw who met the eligibility criteria of either the Skills Immigration category or BC Express Entry, and both of them are executed by the Skills and Immigration Registration System.

Candidates who have qualified for the draw either belonged to the category of international graduates or foreign skilled workers who had a score ranging between 76 to 124 points. The province of British Columbia holds draws that target occupation-centric applicants to meet the requirements of their labor market and enhance the economy.

The province has sent invitations to the following professionals with their respective NOC codes

  • A total of 15 primary educators with NOC code 4214 have a minimum score of 60 points.
  •  A total of 5 healthcare professionals with NOC codes 3413 with a minimum score requirement of 60 points.
  • 5 veterinary professionals with NOC codes 3114 and 3213 have a minimum score of 60 points.

The province of Manitoba

The province has sent invitations for provincial nominations to 146 qualifying candidates through Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program.

  • A total of 92 applicants having a minimum score of 714 points have been invited through Skilled Workers Oversea.
  • A total of 54 candidates have been invited through the International Education Stream having no minimum score requirement.
  • Out Of All the above-invited candidates, 34 of them had Express Entry profiles.

Candidates who aim to receive a nomination from the province of Manitoba have initiated by setting an Expression of Interest, then the candidates are ranked by marking them out of 1000 points based on various factors.

The province then grants invitations for provincial nominations to candidates who qualify all the eligibility criteria for either Skilled Workers Overseas Stream or Skilled Workers in Manitoba.

The province of Ontario

The province put a temporary halt on its PNP draws because of the provincial elections which were conducted in May.

According to sources, the province conducted 2 draws in the month of May under which a total of 57 applicants were granted invitations.

Candidates must have an Express of interest with a minimum score requirement of 27 points and must qualify for the category of in-demand skills stream

The province had issued a total of 535 invitations to applicants having a notification of interest and having qualified the eligibility requirements of Skilled Trades Stream with a minimum score requirement ranging between 295 and 461 points.