
Results Released for Canadian PNP Draw for March 2022

Results released for Canadian

Results Released for Canadian PNP Draw for March 2022

The results of the PNP draw that was held in March are out now. Many Canadian provinces like BC, Manitoba, Alberta, etc. held their PNP draws 

Around 5,000 invitations were released through the PNP draw in the last month. 

The PNP draw offers an opportunity to all the Canadian provinces to call immigrants based on their requirements of the labor market and their economic goals. This program is governed by all three branches of the Canadian Government which includes the territorial, provincial and federal government.

The PNP came into existence back in 1998 when the government took this step to encourage equitable distribution of immigrants among all the small and less populated regions compared to metropolitan and big cities. Considering the current scenario, the PNP adds a major share of economic immigration.

PNP is a resort for many smaller provinces like Nova Scotia, Manitoba, Labrador, etc. for matching their population and labor requirement targets. It has been estimated that within two years, more than ninety thousand immigrants will be welcomed into the country through PNP.

Express Entry PNP

The majority of Canadian provinces hold their PNP draws which are set up with the Express Entry system for three programs- CEC, FSTP, and FSWP. 

PNP interlinked with the Express Entry is considered Enhanced PNP. Candidates owning a valid profile in the Express Entry are to be considered eligible for selection by the respective provinces. 

The invitations for Express Entry of FSTP, CEC, and FSWP categories are resumed until any further notice. This step is taken to bring back the processing time to its standard time and to end the backlog inventory. 

This is a temporary step taken toward the problem until further dates are announced. The immigration minister of Canada has still not confirmed any dates for the same but has indicated several times that the programs will soon begin. Keeping the importance of PNP into consideration, the IRCC is still releasing invitations for PNP.

More than two thousand ITAs were sent to the eligible PNP candidates. This was two times more than the ITAs sent in the previous month. And this increased to 3000 invited candidates in March. 

The province of Alberta  

The province had released 700 spots for immigrants. Out of which 350 applications were for candidates applying for provincial nomination. And the remaining 350 applications were left for the Alberta Express Entry. 

It will also assist the people of Ukraine on a temporary basis. This includes preferring applications of Ukrainians over others, lowering or canceling processing fees, etc. 

The BC  

Leading scorers of BC PNP are invited every 7 days. 900 candidates could apply for the Express Entry BC, Tech stream, and Skills Immigration category. 

The province of Alberta made an announcement requiring more healthcare workers and teachers for primary classes. To complete this goal, the targets of BC PNP were modified to target these specific occupations. 

The requirement for more medical workers and dental assistants was also attached to the eligible occupation category. Workers can also show their 2 years of skilled experience under the category of Skilled Workers of BC instead of 2 years of direct work experience in the specified jobs  

The Province of Manitoba  

Streams like Skilled Workers in Manitoba, International Education Stream, and Skilled Workers Overseas are the three categories in which the province releases the applications. Two draws were held in the second and last week of March. Under which 311 Letters of Advice were sent out to candidates. Out of this 76 of them were reserved for the candidates having a valid profile in the Express Entry. 

The province has adopted measures to help the Ukrainians. This is why the province of Manitoba is sending EOI for affected candidates matching the eligibility criteria of MPNP. Thus, the province had released 71 invitations in the second week of March and 16 invitations in the third week of the month. 

The Province of Ontario  

More than two thousand invitations have been sent out under the category of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program in the previous month  

At the very beginning of March, a total of 1,320 invitations were sent for international scholars, Skilled Workers category, and post-Graduation categories. 

Only 21 eligible applicants under the Entrepreneur stream were invited after a few days of the above invitations. 

By the end of the month, a total of 471 applicants matched the eligibility criteria of the Ontario Express Entry Skilled Trades Stream. 

On the last day of the month, a total of 618 applications were issued for candidates applying under the category of In-Demand Skills Stream, Post-Graduation stream, and Foreign Skilled Workers. 

The Province of Prince Edward Island  

The draws of PEI PNP are released only once a month. In March, a total of 152 applications were released. Out of which 141 of them were for Express Entry and Labor Impact stream and the rest 11 applications were for applicants applying under the Business Impact Stream. 

The Province of Saskatchewan 

The province held its draw on March 3 under which it invited applications for 58 candidates under the Entrepreneur category. And the preceding draws will be held on 5th May, 7 July, 1st September and 3rd November. 

In the first week of March, applications for workers engaged in the technology industry were sent under the SINP category. This step was taken to revive the shortage of professionals in the tech industry in its province. Candidates owning a valid job offer under the 11 mentioned eligible jobs from any employer-based in Saskatchewan. 

The province invited 85 immigrants for provincial nomination. Out of which 43 spots were for candidates engaged in In-Demand Occupations and the rest 39 were for candidates under the Express Entry category. 

The province is also trying its best to serve the affected residents of Ukraine by conducting special draws for them. Like the province conducted its first draw on 4th March by inviting a total of 36 applicants whereas 3 applications on 8th March.