
Spousal and common-law partner sponsorship to go 100% digital

Spousal and common-law partner sponsorship

Spousal and common-law partner sponsorship to go 100% digital

Spousal and common-law partner sponsorship will get 100 percent digitalized as per the IRCC plan. It is an initiative on behalf of IRCC to enhance the client service experience. Digitalization will apply to both inland and outland Spousal and Common-law partner sponsorship programs.

Previously, IRCC did not prohibit people from applying for sponsorship programs through methods other than online applications. However, inland and outland spousal and common-law partnership applications will now be available online only.

IRCC believes that shifting to a 100 percent online system will provide more flexibility to clients and instantly confirm their successful application submissions. They will have the chance to apply online through their devices conveniently.  The online system will continue through the already existing Permanent Residence Portal. This portal gave way to a few aspiring immigrants applying online for other programs since March 31, 2021.

Additionally, those candidates seeking accommodation but unable to experience the online system can send a request to IRCC to let them use another method of submission. If the applicant doesn’t request it, IRCC will not accept submissions after the date limit and will further return the applications.

Spousal and common-law partner sponsorship- its eligibility

The following eligibility criteria are mandatory under the inland and outland common-law partner sponsorship program:

  • Reaching 18 years of age or above.
  • Must have Canadian citizenship, permanent residents residing in Canada, or individuals holding registration under Canadian Indian Act.
  • Reside in Canada and intend to return to the country.
  • Except for the disability factor, not need social assistance.
  • Having the financial potential to fulfill the basic requirements of children, spouse, partner or dependents, and even themselves.
  • Providing financial help to their spouse or common-law partner.

Any individual entering Canada through a sponsor must have undergone all security and background medical verifications.

Application procedure

Before starting with the application procedure, the sponsor and the dependent must meet the eligibility criteria. Additionally, the application process will comprise two applications, one from the Canadian sponsor and the other one from the dependent applicant for their PR application.

Applying for a spousal sponsorship involves four steps:

  • Visit the online website of the Canadian government to access the application package. Read all the instructions to complete the application.
  • Make online payments including online processing fee, right of permanent residence fee, third-party fee, and Biometrics fee.
  • Use the portal of permanent residence to submit your application. Follow all the given instructions.
  • Whenever requested other supporting documents, make sure you submit them.

Immigration programs based on permanent residence

The following schedule will apply for each Canadian immigration program aligning with Spousal Sponsorship through the shift toward a 100 percent digital application system:

  • September 23, 2022Provincial Nominee Program (excluding Express Entry), spousal or partner sponsorship, dependent child’s sponsorship, child adoption via immigration process, sponsorship of relative, grandchild, niece, nephew, or an orphaned sibling, Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot.
  • October 7, 2022– Self-employed individuals in Quebec, and Quebec-selected Investors and Entrepreneurs.
  • October 14, 2022– TR applicants applying for PR, Start-up Visa, and Agri-food Pilot.
  •  October 21, 2022– Home Child Care Provider Pilot (will reopen on January 1, 2023), Self-employed individuals, Home Support Worker Pilot, and Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds.
  • October 28, 2022– Atlantic Immigration Program