The latest data of IRCC shows, about a 50% leap in the number of Hong Konger immigrants coming to Canada as permanent residents. In addition to this, the number of Hong Kongers coming through study and work permits has increased up to 25% as compared to before the Covid scenario.
Hong Kong has been the major source of immigration to Canadian provinces since 1997. Around 30,000 immigrants from Hong Kong used to move to Canada every year since then. But one year later, China, India, and the Philippines took the lead and became the major dominating countries for sending the immigrants to Canada till now.
The main reason for the increased immigration of Hong Kongers to Canada started in 1997 when the devolution of Hong Kong’s authority was put in the hands of China from the U.K. People started moving from the country to Canada to stabilize their economic and political aspects. Since then, the Canadian Government has been providing 1500 PRs to Hong Kongers every year.
In 2020, the Canadian Government to maintain its establishment and ties with Hong Kong launched different programs to motivate a greater number of Hong Kongers to come to Canada either to work, study, or become permanent residents
The Canadian Governance presented 2 programs for Hong Kongers immigrants
- Stream A- This program offers Canadian permanent residency for residents of Hong Kong who are degree holders in college education from Canadian institutions within the last 36 months.
- Stream B- This also works for providing Canadian permanent residency to Hong Kongers graduates from any institution with at least 1-year work experience in a Canadian province.
To assist the immigrants of Hong Kong in fulfilling the eligibility of Stream B, the Canadian Government has also launched an Open Work Permit.
The validity of Openwork permits given to Hong Kongers is 36 months. It gives them the freedom to engage in any of the desired professions and employers according to their choice. The eligibility criteria for work permit demand for graduates in any disciple or program within a tenure of 2 years.
The response from Hong Kongers regarding the programs has been pretty good. The previous year, more than 2000 residents from Hong Kong-owned Canadian PR while before COVID, in 2019 it was only 1500.
The arrival of immigrants from both streams started in July 2021. In the last half of the previous year, 620 immigrants came from Stream 1 and 40 immigrants from Stream 2.
The latest data of IRCC showed that an addition of 120 and 5 immigrants from Stream A and B respectively landed in the country in January. Less number of people possess work experience which is why there are a lesser number of welcomed immigrants from Stream B.
A total of 10,143 residents of Hong Kong received work permits whereas 931 people in 2019.
The IRCC had issued 1,300 work permits for Hong Kongers. If this number is constantly maintained a total of 15,000 could be issued till 2022 ends.
6000 Hong Konger scholars had received study permits in 2021 in comparison with 1,100 in 2019. Further, these students can match the eligibility for Stream A as they graduate.
The IRCC has received more than 20,000 applications for extension of stays, work, and study permits in 2021 which was only 4,700 in 2019
The statistics show a strong scope of immigrants coming from Hong Kong. Also, the number of Canadian permanent residency can