
The present Express Entry pool status in Canada

The present Express Entry pool status in Canada

The present Express Entry pool status in Canada

The present Express Entry pool status in Canada depicts that the immigration system is on track to invite candidates to apply for Canadian PR. Specific trends have been continuing through the previous month’s draws. These provide a deeper insight into Express Entry that would continue this year.

The effect of the Express Entry composition on draw sizes and score cut-offs

It is a bit complex to gauge the impact of the Express Entry pool’s composition on draw sizes and cut-offs, but it is possible to comprehend specific trends:

Score and cut-off distribution

The distribution of existing scores within the pool of Express Entry is one of the chief factors that might influence the CRS scores of forthcoming draws. CRS scores in the pool might enable IRCC to determine the upcoming cut-off for eligible candidates and the draw size.

Even if there might be additional factors during the decision-making process, such as labor market requirements and special immigration policies, CRS allocation might prove to be a contributing factor. The allocation reveals the potential of immigration candidates to adjust within the pool.

Impact of category-based selection on distribution

IRCC also holds category-based draws along with standard Express Entry draws. Additionally, these category draws indicate that IRCC selects candidates who possess certain professional and skilled experience and language skills and fulfill labor market demographic needs in the country. These draws emphasize skills and experience rather than just CRS scores. However, it is evident that these draws tend to have an impact on the allocation of scores in the pool from where they pick their candidates. Therefore, it is better to pay heed to overall draws.

An overview of March Express Entry draws

On the whole, there were four Express Entry draws in March. Two of the draws emerged as general draws, inviting candidates from three programs. Also, these candidates could fulfill the requirements of the programs. Initially, every year, the cut-off scores tend to be relatively high, but as the year progresses, these scores reduce. The remaining two draws were category-based draws that occurred for candidates with excellent French skills and those in transport occupations. Surprisingly, the Express Entry federal draws have issued ITAs to candidates with French skills faster than Quebec. Also, looking at former records, these draws have displayed relatively lower CRS cut-off scores.

Refer to the table below for more details on these draws:

The present Express Entry pool status in Canada

The Express Entry pool presently consists of 211,944 profiles, indicating a rise of nearly 700 profiles. This is the data derived from February. Moreover, the distribution of scores has primarily remained consistent. However, there have been only minor adjustments in response to the number of individuals who applied within a specific scoring range. The complete table with score allocations and the overall number of participants in the Express Entry pool is given below.

Score Ranges Number of candidates
0-300 5,390
301-350 28,287
351-400 55,586
401-410 10,495
411-420 10,610
421-430 9,296
431-440 10,309
441-450 10,172
451-460 11,188
461-470 13,218
471-480 17,105
481-490 10,683
491-500 8,294
501-600 10,324
601-1200 987

These scores demonstrate a better visual display of the pool. In addition, the majority of scores fall under the CRS range of 351 and 400 points.

Bifurcation of score percentiles in the Express Entry pool in Canada

One can estimate a score’s percentile concerning the other scores in the pool of Express Entry by determining the upper boundary of each score range. Additionally, these percentiles highlight how a percentile stacks up against the overall score sets.

Given below is the complete breakdown of the percentiles:

Score Percentile (%)
300 2.54
350 15.89
400 42.12
410 47.07
420 52.07
430 56.46
440 61.32
450 66.12
460 71.40
470 77.64
480 85.71
490 90.75
500 94.66
600 99.53
1200 100

If you wish to know more about Canada Express Entry, connect with our immigration experts at MakeHomeCanada. Our considerable experience in the immigration field can help you. You may write to us [email protected].