Modifications have been made in the TFWP to amend the shortage of labor. Thus, employers engaged in the edible industry can hire employees equivalent to 30% of their workforce.
The Canadian government has eased the procedure of hiring foreign skilled employees for employers.
Relaxation was granted because of an increase in active job vacancies and a smaller number of applicants which has caused a hike in lack of labor in the nation.
The issue of labor shortage can be resolved by calling more skilled workers from abroad in place of ineligible/inadequate Canadian workers.
The following reformations were announced on April 4 to encourage the development of the Canadian workforce.
- Labor Market Impact Assessments is an official paper that addresses that hiring any foreign skilled worker in place of ineligible/ inadequate Canadian workers will not lead to any negative repercussions on the economy of Canada. The Canadian Government has increased the validity of LMIA from 9 to 18 months.
- The period for workers falling under the category of Global Talent Stream and High Wage has been enlarged from 24 to 36 months. This increase in time will let the employees contribute more to the Canadian economy and increased the probability of Canadian permanent residents.
- Seasonal Cap Exemption has been imposed since 2015 which will now continue permanently. The limit for hiring low-wage workers through the TFWP category has been waived, the period of such positions is also increased from 6 months to 9 months.
- Sectors like eatable manufacturing, greenwood manufacturing, food and accommodation service, and paramedics service providers are facing a decline in the labor workforce. Thus, the Canadian Government has allowed the employers of these sectors to appoint new employees equivalent to 30% of their total workforce. Whereas other employers are given the flexibility of hiring low-wage employees equivalent to 20% of their workforce.
- The policy that denies LMIA for occupations that are low wage centric like food-related services, accommodation services, etc. will come to an end.
The Canadian labor market is witnessing a peak in the number of jobs vacancies since 2021.
Following are the service sectors having the highest job vacancies during November 2021
- Food and Accommodation sector- there were a total of 1,30,070 active vacancies
- Retail trade industry- a total of 1,03,990 job vacancies in this sector were available
- Manufacturing industry- more than eighty thousand job vacancies were released
- Paramedic Assistants- A total of 1,19,590 vacancies were released
In 2021, a total of 28,000 workers came to the country. This accounts for up to 21% of the total approved LMIAs. Out of which 23,0000 positions were for the High Wage Stream and the rest 5,000 were from the Global Talent Stream.
An average of 55,000 agricultural workers come to the country under the TFWP category which accounts for up to 60% of the total foreign workers.