
Top questions to ask a Landlord or Realtor in Canada

Top questions to ask a Landlord or Realtor in Canada

Top questions to ask a Landlord or Realtor in Canada

Explore the top questions to ask a landlord or Realtor in Canada before renting. It is essential to ask your landlord or realtor specific questions before you agree to sign for a rental property. Moreover, you must agree with all the rules, obligations, and terms associated with the rental property.

The most challenging part for newcomers coming to this country is finding a rental apartment or property. However, exploring options is a norm, yet you might feel confused as you may need to become completely aware of the rules and regulations of renting in Canada.

Mostly, newcomers are too keen on getting a rental property because they need to possess a credit history. However, they must remember that carelessly signing a lease or rental agreement without gaining clarity can land them in legal trouble. It is more than possible for them to fall into a trap if they aren’t fully aware of the local norms in the country.

Which factors are vital in Canada for rental?

Before you begin your rental search, understand and acknowledge these three factors:

Is it affordable?

Make our budget as affordable as possible and include all possible details. You must keep in mind to add a security deposit, rental advance, and renter’s insurance within the budget. Also, remember that the rental cost will also rely on the type of rental property you select for yourself.

Analyze the property location or size

The rental apartments you choose must rely on a significant factor: whether you live alone or with a family. If you decide to reside in the property with your family, you must choose the property depending on the number of family members. Next, you will need to consider whether the rental apartment’s location will be feasible. For instance, if you only look at the exterior or interior without thinking about the area, you might have to deal with transport issues. You might need to pay more to reach anywhere if your location is not convenient to your job, etc.

Check the property’s condition

Checking the physical condition of several rental properties will help you assess whether you can pay the amount for a property that needs too many repairs. The idea is to reduce such costs and see if you can get a rental accommodation in good condition.

Top questions to ask a landlord or Realtor in Canada before renting

Once you get started with your rental search, there’s no looking back. However, before making the final deal with your landlord or realtor, make sure you ask the following questions:

What are the official duration and conditions attached to the lease agreement?

First, you must know the lease agreement’s length before signing it. Know about all the specific terms and conditions associated with this legal agreement. Understand the type of agreement, whether it is a fixed-term agreement or a monthly agreement. Also, clarify the provisions when extending the lease or its renewal. Ask your landlord about any penalty or fee you must pay if you terminate the contract before the agreement date.

How much should you pay for the monthly rent, and when will its due date be?

Before you lay down your budget, you must be aware of the exact payment you will need to make for the rent. Also, is there a specific payment method required to do the same? Fix a date for your rental payments, and ask your landlord or realtor if you will get any flexibility if you pay late. Don’t miss out on asking them if they can increase the rental cost during the lease. Besides this, can any other factors affect the price in the future?

What all things will fall under the rental cost?

The entire cost of living for a rental property can be calculated by knowing what things will be a part of the rental cost. These could include utility costs related to water, electricity, internet, and gas. You must know whether these will come under the rental coverage or be treated as separate costs. It will be crucial to ask about additional service costs like parking, storage amenities, or access to certain areas.

What would be your notice period if you wanted to move out?

You will need to be aware of the notice period you will have to adhere to before you decide to move out of the rental property. Your agreement must include information from one month to three months. You will have to comply with this fixed period because not doing so will pose challenges for you in the future.

What about handling maintenance emergencies?

It should be evident between tenants and landlords what falls under the emergency category and if the landlord will provide any maintenance on his end. If yes, what type of maintenance will he provide you? Become aware of the entire process of requesting maintenance and ensure it is in the agreement.

Will the lease renewal be possible?

Typically, landlords feel at ease at renewing the tenant’s lease as they would like to retain them longer. However, they might sometimes look forward to selling this property to others after the lease of the person on rent comes to an end. As a result, the tenant will need to find another rental accommodation.

What will be the terms and conditions of early lease termination?

It is essential to be aware and stay prepared to understand the consequences of early lease termination. First of all, understand whether your landlord will permit you to choose premature termination or not. Irrespective of their response, you must know the penalties you might have to suffer for breaking the lease before the fixed time.

Ask whether you will require renter’s insurance

Most landlords or homeowners demand a renter’s insurance. Regardless of whether they require it, you must get it done for your safety. It will secure you in terms of several things like theft, disasters, and other maintenance issues.

Will there be a guest policy or visitor policy?

If you have a large family or roommates, you must check out the tenancy requirements regarding the guests. You must ask your homeowner or landlord whether they will allow guests to stay with you and how long this will be possible. Will there be any specific hours when they could stay with you?

Would you be allowed to modify the unit according to your wish?

You must always understand the kind of changes you will be able to make to make the rental space more like home. The landlord or homeowner might restrict you from changing anything permanently. However, you might have permission to hang wall paintings or art to adorn your home.

Will there be any pet-related restrictions?

You must check with your landlord whether they will permit you to keep a pet if you intend to do so. If yes, will there be any limitations attached? Ask them if you will have to pay any fees or charges for keeping the pet.


Before making the final deal with the landlord, don’t forget to ask these top questions for a landlord or Realtor in Canada. These small things will matter most when an unexpected situation arises, and knowing your answers beforehand is better.