Workers coming from abroad to Canada usually fall under the category of International Mobility Program (IMP). More than One Lakh work permit has been issued through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and around three lakhs of work permits have been issued through the International Mobility Program (IMP)
These 2 programs are distinctive based on LMIA requirements. The TFWP needs the employer to portray that there is a lack of skilled workers in Canada for a specified job, which subsequently means inviting foreign workers becomes necessary for the smooth flow of work. Thus, the employers have to complete the LMIA
Work permits through IMP do not emphasize getting LMIAs as their main reason is to assist Canadian interests. The common work permits through IMP fall under the category of reciprocal employment and significant benefit. Any foreign worker whose work benefits the Government of Canada at social, cultural, and economic levels will be labeled as a “significant benefit.”
Whereas, reciprocal employment ensures reciprocation of workers across borders under agreement with the Canadian Government. The impact of this on the labor market is impartial because foreign workers can get the same opportunities as Canadian workers getting opportunities abroad.
Every month IRCC releases information regarding permanent residents and temporary residents. This data shows the maximum number of IMP holders.
The province of Ontario had the maximum number of work permits through IMP.
In 2021, the province of Ontario had 1,35,000 work permits through IMP whereas the province of British Columbia had 55,000 work permits.
The top 3 places where the work permits have been issued are Alberta, Manitoba, and the province of Quebec.
Professions falling under the category of NOC doesn’t ensure an LMIA exempt work permit. To get any sort of work permit by the Canadian Government, one has to become eligible for either IMP or TFWP. The list shows the LMIA exempt work permits categorized under NOC in 2021.
The maximum slots of the work permits of Ontario IMP were taken by professionals working in the tech field. Social media developers and programmers took the lead further followed by professionals working as designers, software engineers, and information system analysts.
Then lecturers and college professors were under the 4th category of getting the IMP work permits along with specialized physicians.
British Columbia
In 2021, software engineers and designers were the maximum number of IMP work permit holders in the province of British Columbia and secondly the actors and comedians. Followed by professionals working as educators at the university, providing consultations.
In 2021, professionals working as graphic designers and illustrators of Quebec were at the top amongst the list of LMIA exempt work permits. Followed by educators and research assistants. Further, specialized physicians and people working in media-related fields like directors and producers stood in the fourth and fifth positions respectively.
In Alberta, the maximum number of IMP work permit holders were teachers of universities led by people working as teachers of secondary classes, researcher assistants, transportation truck drivers.
The province of Manitoba had the maximum number of IMP work permit holders working as slaughters, people managing poultry, meat slaughters. Followed by people working as transportation truck drivers, agricultural workers, sportspersons, etc.
Getting LMIA exempt work permits
There are various options available for getting LMIA exempt work permits. The procedure of getting it starts with determining and analyzing best-suited options from a wide variety of available options.
Openwork permit allows eligible candidates to obtain jobs in any part of the Canadian province. They are categorized under IMP. Openwork permit option is available for many immigrants like international students, the youth of specified countries sharing reciprocal agreements with Canada.
Specified professionals, people indulged in trading and investing, traders across the globe having agreements for unrestricted trade are excluded from LMIA.
People who are running businesses, skilled workers speaking French, and professionals in the category of significant benefit are exempted by the Canadian Government.