The state of Newfoundland and Labrador will witness an increase in its immigrants. The federal cabinet minister set the targets for the improvement to hike immigration from different corners of the world. He also holds the position of Canada’s Minister of Veteran Affairs and the Member of Parliament of Newfoundland’s capital city. In order to double the number of immigrants by 2022 Ahmed Hussain, the minister has plans and targets of 1700 immigrants to 4000 said, St. John.
On a promising note, St. John said that he discussed the matter with Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussain who is a Somali refugee- turned Immigration Minister. They found the opportunities in the meeting this week and analyzed the problem at large. The trade meeting this week found the alarming decrease in tax collection in Newfoundland and Labrador was to be checked and necessary steps to be taken. Seamus O’Regan told that he had taken the matter with Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussain and will come up with some good solutions. They came to the conclusion that outmigration and with the current population status minimum of 4000 new immigrants will settle the alarming position in the
Newfoundland and Labrador state. This will also help in the social conditions of the state. This will help the people at large for their growth and economic development in all sectors. Hence with the new immigrants and improved social status, there will be an increase in the tax collection of the state.
The Federal Minister of Newfoundland and Labrador has said that there is a need for 4000 immigrants per year to maintain the level, but they want to develop the economy, to produce more jobs, profits, and prosperity.
According to the prediction by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador year 2025, there will be a deterioration in the working-age population in these provinces by 10 percent by the year 2025. That means almost 35,000 people will decrease in the provincial labor market. There will for sure be a demand to increase the incoming of the newcomers.
Once people come to Canada then we welcome them into our communities, then welcomed into our homes said O, Regan. He was feeling proud in sharing a survey of immigrants. Mr. St. John’s mentioned these cities as the most welcoming cities in Canada.
The administration is taking important steps to increase immigration to Newfoundland and Labrador’s future, but the Immigrants trying to enter these cities through two key programs and these programs have taken a longer duration in the processing of their application.
The Government’s minister who is looking after the immigration portfolio states there is a big increase in how many of the individuals coming to Canada want to settle in these provinces.
Mr. Davis said that the number of applications has increased by 50 percent in comparison to last year’s. That is a very good total to any extent and in any business opportunity.
Applications to the NLPNP or the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program must be evaluated in 20 to 25 business days. But, previously the processing time took twice this time (two and a half months). The reason is that there is a second, federal phase that occurs after the provincial approval.
Minister Bernard Davis, in charge of Skills and Labor, said that immigrants are imperative to meet the static challenges that are being faced by Newfoundland and Labrador. The process of file processing has to become more efficient and fast while retaining its quality standards.