IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) provides many facilities to new arrivals and immigrants in Canada. They take care of refugees and provide protection to them. IRCC offers many programs to immigrants and is also aware of the programs. It helps the new arrivals to settle in Canada. Through their programs, they grant Citizenship as well as a passport or travel visa also
IRCC – Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada dedicated the month of March to aware people of how they can save themselves to be the victim of scams and fraud regarding immigration. This movement is an effort by the government to aware people of this issue through this campaign.
Ahmed Hussein the Immigration Minister of Canada said that IRCC is providing many new programs and promoting them to create awareness in people and to prevent the issues of fraud websites and immigration scams. It also works on immigration consultants or citizenship consultants chosen by immigrant applicants.
The Immigration Minister of Canada mentioned that the month of March is a very important month to create awareness among the people about immigration aspects. It provides an opportunity for all the people to protect themselves against scams and frauds regarding immigration and citizenship, he said.
The immigration system of Canada is very fair and equal to all. Processing of applications can be slow or fast depending on case to case. Nobody can commit you for their high approach or special relations regarding your application and no one can ensure you the approval of your application.
There is no need for immigrants to hire representatives for their citizenship or Permanent resident application but if they are willing to take the services of Immigration Consultants then they can do that.
If it is difficult for you to decide on the right immigration stream or you have complications in your application then you can consult an expert immigration consultant. You must think carefully and choose an authorized company to help you.
It is a crime if you have provided false information and documents regarding your immigration application. It can affect you seriously as well as your immigration status.