

Canada’s Express Entry ITA this year compared to last year

Canada’s Express Entry ITAs This Year Compared To Last Year

Canada’s Express Entem has changed in the last two years. Here’s Canada’s Express Entry ITAs this year compared to last year. Well, in 2023, IRCC introduced category-based selection draws under Express Entry, a...

Canada invites candidates in the first CEC draw of November

Three Provinces In Canada Invite Candidates In Latest PNP Draws

Three provinces in Canada invite candidates in latest PNP draws. Ontario and British Columbia have done so through their respective Provincial Nominee Programs. PNPs first came into being in 1998 to help spread...

IRCC tightens study permit cap & modifies PGWP enrolment

IRCC Tightens Study Permit Cap & Modifies PGWP Enrolment

IRCC tightens study permit cap & modifies PGWP enrolment. Marc Miller earlier stated that the international student cap is here to stay.  Specifically, IRCC will just be issuing 437,000 study permits in 202...

Four provinces in Canada issued provincial nominations

Four Provinces in Canada Issued Provincial Nominations

Four provinces in Canada issued provincial nominations. Candidates were selected for their professional experience, general eligibility, as well as secured employment for provincial immigration. Note: Each Prov...

Two provinces in Canada nominate PNP candidates

Two Provinces In Canada Nominate PNP Candidates

Two provinces in Canada nominate PNP candidates. Candidates were selected depending on their professional experience, employment, language abilities, etc.  Provincial Immigration Results: From August 31 To Sept...

current status of the Express Entry pool

Current Status of the Express Entry Pool: September 2024

After a busy August and a historic number of draws throughout July, Canada’s Express Entry system has witnessed various changes in the composition of the candidate pool and in the newcomers who have received In...

Three provinces in Canada invite candidates in latest PNP draws

Three Provinces In Canada Invite Candidates In Latest PNP Draws

Three provinces in Canada invite candidates in latest PNP draws. Immigration is a shared responsibility between IRCC & the provincial governments. Except Quebec and Nunavut, every territory and province run...

Canada’s immigration minister signals major PR changes

Canada’s Immigration Minister Signals Major PR Changes

Canada’s immigration minister signals major PR changes in the upcoming Immigration Levels Plan. Particularly, Miller stated that he was looking at the number of options to address permanent immigration in Canad...

Three Canadian provinces invite applicants in the latest PNP draws

Three Canadian Provinces Invite Applicants In Latest PNP Draws

Three Canadian provinces invite applicants in the latest PNP draws. British Columbia and Prince Edward Island have their own Provincial Nominee Programs. Every territory and provinces have their PNP except Queb...

three provinces in Canada issued provincial nominations.

Three Provinces In Canada Issued Provincial Nominations

This week, three provinces in Canada issued provincial nominations. Applicants were invited through specific PNP streams based on their professional skills, past work experience, and education. In addition, an ...